April is the ̶c̶ ̶r̶ ̶u̶ ̶e̶ ̶l̶ ̶e̶ ̶s̶ ̶t̶  coolest month.


April 3rd: The 20/20 Collection

In 2019, my solo material started to gain traction on Spotify. It felt amazing to know that more people worldwide were enjoying my work, and it inspired me to put together a collection of the best songs from each of my albums, as well as all my standalone singles that newer fans had probably not yet heard. Thanks to the folks at CHIRP Radio for showing it so much love over the past month.


April 10th: Go Figure (Deluxe Edition)

After I saw some chatter on Facebook about my 1990’s band “Go Figure” I realized our sole, self-titled album was not available digitally. So, I remastered the songs from the CD, added three ultra-fun live versions, then added to the zip file the OTF font Andrew Weiss designed for the cd cover. It is wonderful to hear these songs again, and share them with all the people that made those times so great. Read more about Go Figure and download the Deluxe Edition.


April 12th: Time is a Fine White Lie (e-book)

I spent a lot of time proofreading and editing my book of short stories before setting it loose in the wild. I found that I was making a lot of rookie grammatical mistakes under the guise of ‘artistic license’, which was kinda bullshit on my part. I tightened up most everything according to the rules, and left a few passages that broke the rules, but now I understand how, and what I’m achieving aesthetically by doing it my way- which is not bullshit. Time is a Fine White Lie is available exclusively for Kindle readers until July 12th, at which point it will be available for all devices wherever e-books are sold.


April 17th: Airport Hookers “Carousels”

I’ve never been as proud of a project than I am of Airport Hookers, the band with a name that took me a year to say with a straight face. This month we released our debut single, bringing together talented friends of different disciplines. After a year in the making, you can now listen to Carousels on your favorite streaming service! 


in the release queue –>


May 15th: LIVE WIRE!

We can’t go out to live shows right now, but at least we can listen to them! My next album, “Live Wire” comes out on May 15th, featuring amazing soundboard recordings from one of my shows in 2015. I received isolated tracks of vocals, bass, guitar, and drums from the live engineer, then went back to my project studio and mixed everything. This album sounds BIG! Expect such crowd-faves as “Molly Molly”, all 4 Boolean Knife originals, and a cover of a song by Gordon ‘Gordo’ Lightfoot, distant Canadian cuz of the current Chicago mayor (or, not). Thanks to Mike Koelling for handling bass and Jeff Kropp for kicking some serious ass on the drums.

June 1st: Airport Hookers “Come to This”

While “Carousels” is a lower-key intro to the band, our “Come to This” single really kicks things into gear. Crazy-good lyrics and vocals by Kate, with New Orleans-style horns by TK & Alex, over an electronic-rock foundation. The outro features twisted up piano samples from the mysterious “fifth hooker”, who sent their audio files into Aquariphone HQ using thick encryption through a triple-cloaked IP address.


June 19th: Letters Never Sent

Released on cassette in 1995, my second album Letters Never Sent will be appearing in the digital domain for the first time on June 19th. The original tracks were a little muddy in the mids and low-end, so I gently EQ’d them to bring more clarity to the overall sound. I also rearranged one of the songs that had some extra baggage, resulting in a version 30-seconds leaner than the original! Thanks to Jim Berry and John Paul Camp III of Blue Meanies fame for killing the horn parts.

August 1st: Kiss To History

We’re getting into the deep cuts now! In the queue for release August 1st is a 19-song collection of earlier, unreleased material. Many of the tracks don’t have the production quality of my newer recordings (obviously, I mean, I’ve had 30 years to improve), but I feel the songs themselves are good enough that they outweigh the tape hiss, and other sonic oddities going on. I cleaned up the songs as best I could, and trimmed many for time (what was I thinking with some of these? Jesus.) The resulting album offers a great look at my beginnings, and provides some perspective as far as how I got to where I am now. Plus, again, the songs!


Autumn 2020: Time is a Fine White Lie (audiobook)

Not content to go halfway on anything, my short stories will also be produced in audiobook form. I’ve enlisted voiceover professional (and high-school pal) Greg Chun to read one of the stories and help me coordinate the auditioning of other voiceover artists who are currently able to record-in-place. I’m taking great care picking out perfect voices for each of the wildly different stories in the book. There’s no release date yet, but expect the project in your very own earbuds by Autumn of this year.


Can’t Stop The Now...

More To Explore


Today marks the release of my 16th album, ATYPICAL. Starting this week, I’ll be chatting about each of the six songs that make up the


El músico y productor estadounidense William Is presenta el sencillo «Tread», un track cercano al rock pop donde su energía destaca, ya que alimenta alimenta

I’m Serious.

I used to have a problem. I always thought to get a great sounding recording, I had to be in a ‘real’ studio. It’s because