It’s 3:33 A.M. I can’t tell you how much I dig those numbers. There’s something that strikes me about them. I almost always see the clock when it’s 3:33. Or the dramatic 3:32. I admit, sometimes, I just miss it, and see the gentle dénouement of 3:34. Whatever. It’s also on my license plate, 333 is. I just finished work on a prototype nature keyboard. It’s pretty cool, but still in development. Despite its simplicity, it’s still a milestone- so I feel pretty good laying down to sleep tonite. Sorry again for slacking on the journal, but hey. quit yer whining and go play with the keyboard already.
Indie Criollo: Sparkle
Review of William’s single “Sparkle” from the Ecuadorian blog Indie Criollo. Sparkle no quiere guardarse nada ante los oídos de quienes están interesados en