Time is a Fine White Lie

I’m doing it! I’m putting together a book of my writing from over the years. “Time is a Fine White Lie” begins with the ‘Earth Water Sky’ baby-treatise that takes a deep-dive into the mechanics of expression and the role of the artist in society, and continues with short stories that touch on love and synchronicity in our post-modern world. I asked my friend Andrew Weiss to write the foreword to the collection.

My current plan is to first release the book for Kindle, giving Amazon exclusivity on the title for the first 90 days. The KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) option allows my book to be completely free for Kindle & Amazon Prime members. I get paid based on the number of pages read. Since I’m far from well-known, this will give people a risk-free chance to read.

After KDP, I’ll put the e-book everywhere I can, and am thinking about a price-point of $1.25. There are just over 11,000 words, so length-wise it’s in the ballpark of a ‘novelette’. I feel the cost is a very low barrier to entry. I’m really hoping to get it out soon, so people can have something to read while they’re sheltering-in-place.

Seasoned visitors of my website will recognize all the stories (although the book versions have been edited for typos, spelling, and grammar, while their web-counterparts were… not). Since the Amazon deal is exclusive, I will hide the stories from my website. I would like readers to experience these stories in order with the foreword and introduction.

Putting out records is so rote to me. Don’t get me wrong! I love it! But I am VERY excited about the idea of putting my own book out into the wild. It’s just as unique as my music is, so I expect the response to be all over the place as I’m used to with my songs. I’m just happy people will be able to access the stories in a format they’re used to.

No release date quite yet, but you’ll be the first to know.

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