Kaleidoscope VOL 04 out today!

My music, math & nature project Kaleidoscope has entered its fourth month! Patrons have already downloaded 12 songs, 8 of which are brand new and have yet to be officially released.

The cornerstone of Volume 04 is a song called “Gansu Project” which is an instrumental soundtrack piece dedicated to the designers of the Gansu Wind Farm in western China. The musical piece is built on overlapping rhythms based on the math of one of nature’s favorite shapes, the octahedron. (The melody is in 29/8 and the bass is in 41/8). For a simplified explanation, check out the video Maureen and I made about how I take the Platonic Solids and turn them into music and poetry:

For general information about the Kaleidoscope project and how you can become a patron, please watch the introduction video below:

I want to extend a big thank you to all of the people who have supported the project so far, and look forward to seeing more of you on the Kaleidoscope message board.

Can’t Stop The Now...

More To Explore

Breakdown at Creation

I originally recorded my song “Breakdown at Creation” circa 1995, and shortly after I created a 3D-music video to go along with it. You’ll need


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