I am going to write something interesting. Yep.  My hand is moving and applying pressure on the pen. Ink is coming out of the pen and onto the paper. I’m making dots and curves and lines.

Somebody who understands language probably doesn’t notice the dots and curves and lines, because they are more accustomed to the way the dots and curves and lines look when they are put together. Somebody who understands language sees ‘letters’ instead. The letter ‘T’ is really just two lines. T.  The letter ‘S’ is really just a curvy line. S. So when a person learns letters, it’s almost like they forget they’re really just dots and curves and lines put together.

Somebody who understands language probably doesn’t notice the letters, because they are more accustomed to the way the letters look when they are put together. Somebody who understands language sees ‘words’ instead. The word ‘words’ is really just a ‘w’ and an ‘o’ and an ‘r’ and a ‘d’ and an ‘s’. So when a person learns words, it’s almost like they forget they’re really just letters put together.

Somebody who understands language probably doesn’t notice the words, because they are more accustomed to the way the words look when they are put together. Somebody who understands language sees ‘sentences’ instead. The sentence ‘Somebody who understands language sees sentences.’ is really just a ‘somebody’ and a ‘who’ and an ‘understands’ and a ‘languages’ and a ‘sees’ and a ‘sentences’. So when a person learns sentences, it’s almost like they forget they’re really just words put together.

Sentences are made of words made of letters made of dots and curves and lines. Yep. Language is a sea of dots and curves and lines, I say.

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