Bottlecaps and Postage Stamps

Last night I had a dream that a demon was hiding the Virgin Mary in the walk-in closet of the master bedroom in the house that I grew up in. It’s odd because Christianity is not my maiden mythology and my dreamscape rarely speaks through its archetypes. In any case, there were ghosts in the dream that were

looking under bottlecaps for postage stamps

It’s very short but it makes for a great lyric. Probably will eventually end up in the same song as:

we were just big eyed deer near the hum of strange highways

because both phrases seems to fit like pieces of a puzzle strewn out over years (the latter lyric was written on 12.10.01, originally commenting on the deafening silence on the afternoon of 9.11) So this actually makes the length of time between the two phrases just 12 days short of a decade. Yes, some songs take a decade to come to life, apparently.

Can’t Stop The Now...

More To Explore


Today marks the release of my 16th album, ATYPICAL. Starting this week, I’ll be chatting about each of the six songs that make up the

Karen Strassman Q&A

Today we continue our interview series with narrators from my Time is a Fine White Lie audiobook. In addition to her voice work, Karen is

ROADIE MUSIC: Antarctica [NFT Remix]

WILLIAM IS NOS MOSTRA AS MAIS DIFERENTES CORES DE ANTARCTICA Uma canção, simplesmente, impactante em todos os sentidos, graças as suas mais distintas progressões e