It was a busy summer! I was able to find some great musicians to play with me in a new band called Boolean Knife. We’ve got Tim Koelling on guitar and sax, his trusty brother Mike holding down the electric bass, and the quite skilled Jeff Kropp on drums. I’m singing and playing lead guitar.

We usually practice every other Wednesday at a great little spot in a sprawling complex called “Fort Knox” right by Montrose and 94. To get us off the ground, I picked 8 songs from my own catalog and then 2 songs that I wrote that fit the band better than my own solo repertoire. Fast forward from June to September, and here we are on the stage!

Boolean Knife did a couple open mic appearances (Montrose Saloon & Carols) to get our stage legs and then hit with our full 40 minute set on September 12th at Lizards Liquid Lounge on Irving Park. Thanks to all who made it out, as well as Liz for having us! Thanks also to the band I Lost Control for keeping the crowd rocking after our set.

We’ve got another show coming up at Silvie’s in Chicago on Saturday, November 7th. Please follow Boolean Knife on Twitter for up to the minute info.

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RECORDING MAGAZINE: Stop Listening to Worry

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