Day 1: Song that Reminds me of Chicago

Day 1: Song that reminds me of Chicago

I admit this one is a little ‘on-the-nose’ lyrically. “Stratford” makes me think of the old and grittier 1990’s Wicker Park. I remember walking down North Ave. during that time, and there’s Liz Phair standing in a doorway seemingly waiting for somebody. We exchanged smiles, and despite wanting to chat, I thought “Let her have some space, Bill!”

Liz has always been the epitome of a Chicago artist to me, even purchasing her Tascam 4-track recorder from Gand Music when she was still living at her parents’ house in Wilmette. I would see her at Raw Bar occasionally after that, but never felt right approaching her.

Next up –>

Sun Apr 26: Song I’ll always play at full volume
Mon Apr 27: Song from childhood
Tues Apr 28: Song best listened to at 3AM
Wed Apr 29: Song discovered in Quarantine
Thurs Apr 30 Song I’ll always know the lyrics to
Fri May 1: Song by a Chicago artist
Sat May 2: Song in a different language
Sun May 3: Song I’ll Karaoke with no shame
Mon May 4: Song I’d listen to on the L
Tues May 5: Song that makes me think of summer
Wed May 6: Song from the last concert I went to
Thurs May 7: Song from my favorite artist
Fri May 8: Song with incredible lyrics
Sat May 9: Song that defined 2019

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