Lumpen Times: Roadstar

Borrowing elements from a generalized 80s/Cars (Rick Ocasek) sound with a stage whisper of Depeche Mode, Steffey’s Roadstar emotes its way through 11 decent cuts, but delivers best with the instrumental “World’s Tallest Building.” Think Strawberry but not quite.

-Cowboy Joe Collier

Can’t Stop The Now...

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CHIRP Radio: 2021 Interview

This week, CHIRP Radio’s DJ Ninja speaks with Chicago mainstay, William Steffey. They talk about his most recent album, ATYPICAL, the release of his single,


Con un ritmo muy garage rock, que por momentos, se vuelve un poco punk, Grow Crazy, está listo para darte el empujón que necesitás tener en éste

RECORDING MAGAZINE: Stop Listening to Worry

Artist: William Is (feat. Deon Malik™) Title: Stop Listening to Worry Genre: Post-Rock Rating: 5/5 Equipment Ableton Live 11 Suite, Universal Audio Apollo Twin MKII, Focusrite Scarlett