Alright people! I spent a few days focusing on lyrics, but now we’re back to the audio portion of our program. Traci Weingard sent over an uber-cool bass part for song #2, Shangri-La. I did some editing around (the careful reader of my earlier blog post tonight may see some consistencies…) and I also added rough vocals for verses 1 and 2. Now that the vocals are really front and center, I have to go back and make sure they’re much tighter than usual when I’ve got them buried in the mix a bit. I recorded the vocals twice singing the exact same part at the same time (called ‘multing’), but there are some phrases where one voice falls from a note while another keeps it hanging on. Little stuff like that I have to go back and make match up. It’s too late for vocals at my apartment, or else I’d get all of the vocals done now (and probably finish the whole track out). This will be done tomorrow. Here’s what we’ve got (and thanks again to the very talented Traci for the bass).
I also started work on lyrics for song #6 called:
8 worldly winds swirling up
fear and desire
underneath the coffeeshop chatter
there’s sound within firethink you should be less whatever?
you’re smaller than allowed
think you should be more whatever?
you’re knocked out of the nowLet yourself be perfect
if only for a second
Let yourself be perfect
if only for a minute
Let yourself be perfect
if only for an hour
Let yourself be perfect
if only for a daywhen what you think is more than enough
bring it back to the breath
underneath the storm of the front
lives a new and friendly deathwhen you’ve got the all the pieces
but can’t align ’em
when you have all the answers
but can’t apply ’emLet yourself be perfect
if only for a week
Let yourself be perfect
if only for a fortnight
Let yourself be perfect
if only for a month
Let yourself be perfect
if only for a yearBRIDGE
Let yourself be perfect
if only for forever
Let yourself be perfect
if only for forever
Tomorrow I finish out music for song #2, “Shangi-La” and see how far I can get for music on song #3, “Bullets for the Wake”. Got plenty of words now… need to catch up on the music side!