RPM Challenge: Day 26

The finish line is in sight! Two days, nine hours, and 13 minutes left in the 2015 RPM Challenge. It’s going to take some ass-kicking to finish the last two songs before Sunday, but I’m confident I can do it.

I have to say, this has been an incredible experience. I’ve never challenged myself to write and record ten songs in a month, and it has entirely changed the way I look at the whole process. To be fair, songs that get 3 or 4 months of attention are generally a little more ‘put-together’ than the songs from this challenge that took only 2 or 3 days to make.

The time restraints are forcing me to write a bit more simply. While I like to think the lyrics are somewhat provocative, I’m not sure they’re as involved as songs that get more time and attention. Having said this, it’s probably also true that they’re less effusive. Neither is ‘better’, it’s just a stylistic parameter. The chord progressions and guitar parts are more straightforward, too. I’m not slaving over multiple complementary melodies- I’m just recording whatever riff comes out of my fingers on the first few takes.

As I mentioned in an earlier entry, once I submit my songs to RPM Challenge Central, I’m going to go back and give them a proper polish and release them across all the digital outlets. I also plan to set up a “Pay What You Want” model for the first 30 days the release(s) are available. I’m going to split these songs into two different releases. I have the Album/EP names picked out, but I’m going to keep those under my hat until they’re all ready for consumption.

Thanks again to everybody who has reposted and retweeted my songs! Off I go to finish lyrics and sing song #9, which is called “Antarctica”. Then I’ll have 3 days or so to come up with the tenth and final song.



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