Reality Jockey Party / Donate to Thresholds Chicago

On Friday, March 15th, we’ll be celebrating the release of Reality Jockey, my 12th solo album. It’s all going down at Esquina Chicago at 4602 N. Western Ave. The event begins at 8pm and we’ll be spinning the vinyl at 9pm. We’ll be serving beer / wine, and there will be snacks on hand as well. RSVP on Facebook.

I’ve decided to raffle off copies of the album and donate all proceeds to Thresholds Chicago, a non-profit providing mental health services to the underprivileged in our community. Raffle tickets are $10, and I’m reaching out to local businesses to donate goods / services to add to the raffle prizes.

This is where you come in! If you own or work at a business and are able to donate goods or services to the raffle (and ultimately Thresholds), please email me directly so we can coordinate. Thanks very much for your participation! Let’s see how much money we can raise for solid social services for the community.

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