Obviously there were incredible acts of heroism going down on 9/11 and after. Incredible acts. But aren’t there several other issues that should take precedence when we think of 9/11?

There’s no doubt the American machine is addicted to spin. I feel like the events were so horrific the public can’t even face the reality of them: A Saudi terrorist group hijack and crash commercial airliners into our skyscrapers and military headquarters killing 3000 people. What do Americans have to say about all this? “Aren’t our firefighters and paramedics just grand?”

Yes they are grand, and there are hundreds of them. But what about the thousands of people that fucking died??? Don’t we owe it to everybody (heroes included) to identify and diffuse the real issues at hand?

Can’t Stop The Now...

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RECORDING MAGAZINE: Stop Listening to Worry

Artist: William Is (feat. Deon Malik™) Title: Stop Listening to Worry Genre: Post-Rock Rating: 5/5 Equipment Ableton Live 11 Suite, Universal Audio Apollo Twin MKII, Focusrite Scarlett


Con un ritmo muy garage rock, que por momentos, se vuelve un poco punk, Grow Crazy, está listo para darte el empujón que necesitás tener en éste


“Tread”, il nuovo singolo di William Is è un brano Indie Rock melodico e allo stesso tempo tagliente grazie al buon lavoro delle chitarre che