Europe Here We Come!

Thrilled to announce I’ll be heading to London and Paris in November with my wife Maureen. I will continue to blog and send out my Tuesday newsletter while I’m there, and hopefully along the way will shoot enough footage to make a new music video (for which song I don’t yet know). On my last visit, I created a video for my song Tread while I was in London and one for the song Healing No. Four while I was in Paris.

I was traveling alone, so there was a lot of renegade filmmaking going on. Things along the lines of setting up my little Sony camera on top of a garbage can, then walking 20 feet away, then walking back up toward the lens looking cheeky. It was a lot of fun.

Near the Jardin de Tuileries, there was an action movie being shot (a car chase that they kept doing extra takes of). Being the scamp I am, I shot the action on my own camera from three different angles and combined them all in post to create an exciting second chorus that cost me $0 to produce.

The money shot is the long fade at the end, which was taken from atop the Arc De Triomphe. Not sure I’ll be able to top that this time around, but we’re definitely going to try.

Can’t Stop The Now...

More To Explore

Poetry on Parade

I’ve written poetry for years, but had never read it aloud before this weekend. On Friday, I had an event at Esquina Chicago to celebrate


El músico y productor estadounidense William Is presenta el sencillo «Tread», un track cercano al rock pop donde su energía destaca, ya que alimenta alimenta


Con un ritmo muy garage rock, que por momentos, se vuelve un poco punk, Grow Crazy, está listo para darte el empujón que necesitás tener en éste