Hotel Maslow (4:22)

I used to see her on the elevator sometimes
Going up and down on her spring days (no she never stayed)
And this crazy life, this car, and this broken room
All the lies i never listened to
Yes, they fall from every mouth
From everyone but you

I’m finally flying now

Don’t speak! Language sometimes lies
Feel! Don’t think anymore
Our thoughts are shaped in language
And language sometimes lies

Speak only what you mean
You’re finally flying now

Is it such a secret?
Listen: The past is trying to eat the future
Now is it such a secret?
You never understand our tongues anyway

And now it’s summer in Crash City
And the age of two-tenths rule
She’s knee deep in water in a basement
Punching buttons on a dead elevator

I’m finally flying now

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Rough Draft


Song Notes

Hotel Maslow is one of several songs set in the fictional Crash City, a one-off graphic-novel series casually drawn by Tom Crestodina on a coffeeshop napkin. “Crash City Music” would later become William’s ASCAP-affiliated music publishing company.

Shortly after the first chorus, you can hear William accidentally knock over his music stand, the cacophony of which he kept in the finished track.



Tom Crestodina

Song Specs