One Star Reviews: Roadstar

I’m gonna open up with a quote from the presskit. “When asked to describe his sound, William Steffey is extremely evasive. ‘How about Sade meets Tool?'”. Can I just say “Yuck.”? Yuck. I can think of two things wrong with his statement. Oh god, this is so bad. He tries to be soulful and fails. He tries his hand at heavier music and fails. He even does that voice modulation thing that I feel is the bane of pop music today. He tends to stick to electronica for half the time, and it’s pretty hard to mess that up, since it’s all a matter of programming. He’s not a very good programmer. Which segues me nicely to the added “bonus” which accompanys the cd: a special password to get into the extras section of his website (user: synch / pass: 345889). What do you get for being so special? A few crappy songs that weren’t good enough to make the record. Whoopee.


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