Floorshime Zipper Boots: Astrid and the Killer Penguin

Astrid and the Killer Penguin is the debut EP from Chicago band Boolean Knife. With a nice post-punk sheen, the  three tracks evoke comparisons to Weezer. Stories and hipster imaging color the tracks, while simple melodic instrumentation propels things forward. Not a great EP, but a worthy effort.

Can’t Stop The Now...

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DEATH OR DESIRE: Antarctica [NFT Remix]

Introducing William Is with the latest single “Antarctica” [NFT Remix]. William Is: the new incarnation of Chicago multimedia artist William Steffey. His music production career

Why “IS”?

After releasing 16 albums and 13 standalone singles, I permanently closed the lid on the William Steffey catalog. William Steffey’s swansong was the single “Sparkle”,