Building music and poetry based on the math of nature comes easy for me. Explaining why it’s important has always been a little more difficult.

For me it affords a connection to something much larger than myself. Some people find this function by participating in religion. Some find theirs amidst the throbbing beat of the club dance floor. For others, it’s as easy as looking up at the silver stars against the evening sky.

I find the art of creation can be a dance with nature itself- and what better steps to follow than the sequence unfurled in the spiral of a nautilus shell? What better rhythm to step than the ratios inherent in a single molecule of water?

In this work I find meaning, and in these numbers I too can participate in the song of the universe. Along my way I hope to create words and music in which others might find a bit of meaning themselves.

Can’t Stop The Now...

More To Explore


Con un ritmo muy garage rock, que por momentos, se vuelve un poco punk, Grow Crazy, está listo para darte el empujón que necesitás tener en éste


Ritroviamo William Is, che avevamo conosciuto con la sua canzone Ashland, tramite il suo nuovo singolo intitolato Grow Crazy. Questa volta si tratta di un brano

Why “IS”?

After releasing 16 albums and 13 standalone singles, I permanently closed the lid on the William Steffey catalog. William Steffey’s swansong was the single “Sparkle”,