Boolean Knife draws to a close.

After about 3 years and a bucketload of songs, I’ve decided to close the book on Boolean Knife. It was a super experience, and great to get out on stage again but I think the project has run its course. I don’t feel that I was giving it my all on stage, and although I felt a good sense of accomplishment after a show, I wasn’t having a great time while I was playing. Yes, it was not really bringing me joy. I feel like my inability to connect with the audience was due to a lack of belief in what I was doing. Again, I’m absolutely thrilled we did it, and I thank Jeff Kropp and Mike & Tim Koelling for helping me to make it happen. I obviously will get back on stage at some point, but ideally under the circumstances of delivering 100%. Writing for Boolean Knife was fun, and you should check out the recordings if you haven’t.

The live album “Darker Dreams and Penguin Bites” is available for free with the rest of our tracks at, but I will be releasing it formally (iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, etc) in February of 2018.

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